The Book of Mormon from a Nineteenth-Century Perspective: Comments

I began to post these entries in April 2024 on my Papers blog (see Thesis & Talks). I am reposting them in chronological order with edits. After all, the more I learn...

Comments on all my blogs are moderated. On this blog specifically, I will not be allowing through any comment that focuses either on my character (Why did you write that? I know why you wrote that! You skunk!) or on contradiction. (See Monty-Python's "Argument Clinic.") I have a very low opinion of most social media commentary, precisely because it uses personality (ad hominem attacks) and direct contradiction (I don't think that! But I do! I But I don't!) while ignoring the issues on the table.

I have zero interest in defending what I believe. My beliefs are a matter between me and God and come down to theology and integrity. If you would like to express your beliefs, create a blog. 

I have zero interest in arguing over whether one should or should not like/be inspired by Joseph Smith. I like him. I also think he was a flawed individual. In fact, I like him because he was flawed. I will not engage in trying to paint him either as a con-man or an idol. I find both approaches utterly pointless. I believe in neither of them. 

I have zero interest in arguing over whether one should or should not be a member of a particular church (any church). 

I find conspiracy theories so boring, they make my brain melt. 

In sum, comments that do not address the actual points raised within entries, including stated claims and evidence will not be approved. Spiritual exegesis, anthropological insights, and general ponderings will likely be allowed.  

Entries may change--as I learn more and more about the nineteenth century!

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